Hello Everyone, In this tutorial, I am going provide a working example that converts your input number in text format with the help of Apex controller and Visualforce page. You can use this example to convert a number in the text(String) format.
After completing this tutorial, you’ll able to:
- Convert a number in text format
So, let’s begin,
Step 1: Login to your Salesforce Org. and open developer console.
Step 2: Navigate to File | New | Apex Class and create an apex class called cls_Numbertotext and replace the following code.
public class cls_Numbertotext { public long intvalue{get;set;} public string inttext{get;set;} public integer inputNum {get;set;} //Constructor public cls_Numbertotext(){ } public void convertinword(){ inttext=getNumberWord(inputNum); } public static string getNumberWord(integer num){ String alphaNumber = ''; String numericNumber = string.valueof(num); List<string> numericNumbers = new list <string>(); for(integer i=numericNumber.length(); i>0; i-=3){ Integer n=0; If(I>3){ n = i-3; } String substring = Numericnumber.substring(n,i); If(substring.length()==2){ Substring = '0'+substring; }else if(substring.length()==1){ Substring = '00'+ substring; } System.debug('substring '+substring); Numericnumbers.add(substring); If(I<3){break;} } for(integer I=0;I<numericnumbers.size();I++){ String ngroup = numericnumbers.get(I); String ones = ngroup.substring(2,3); String tens = ngroup.substring(1,2); String hundreds = ngroup.substring(0,1); If(I != 0){ If(I == 1){alphanumber = 'Thousand ' + alphanumber;} Else if(I == 2){alphanumber = 'Million ' + alphanumber;} } If(tens == '1' && ones != '0'){ If(ones =='1'){alphanumber = 'Eleven' + alphanumber;} else if(ones == '2'){alphanumber = 'Twelve '+alphanumber;} else if(ones == '3'){alphanumber = 'Thirteen '+alphanumber;} else if(ones == '4'){alphanumber = 'Fourteen ' + alphanumber;} else if(ones == '5'){alphanumber = 'Fifteen ' + alphanumber;} else if(ones == '6'){alphanumber = 'Sixteen ' + alphanumber;} else if(ones == '7'){alphanumber = 'Seventeen ' + alphanumber;} else if(ones == '8'){alphanumber = 'Eighteen ' + alphanumber;} else if(ones == '9'){alphanumber = 'Nineteen ' + alphanumber;} }else if(tens == '1' && ones == '0'){ Alphanumber = 'Ten ' + alphanumber; }else if(ones != '0'){ String o = underTen(ones); Alphanumber = o +' '+ alphanumber; } If(tens != '0' && tens != '1'){ If(tens == '2'){alphanumber = 'Twenty ' + alphanumber;} else if(tens =='3'){alphanumber = 'Thirty ' + alphanumber;} else if(tens == '4'){alphanumber = 'Forty ' + alphanumber;} else if(tens =='5'){alphanumber = 'Fifty ' +alphanumber;} else if(tens == '6'){alphanumber = 'Sixty ' + alphanumber;} else if(tens == '7'){alphanumber = 'Seventy ' + alphanumber;} else if(tens == '8'){alphanumber = 'Eighty ' + alphanumber;} else if(tens == '9'){alphanumber = 'Ninety ' + alphanumber;} } If(hundreds != '0'){ String h = underten(hundreds); alphanumber = h+' Hundred ' + alphanumber; } } alphanumber.capitalize(); return alphanumber; } public static string underTen(string num){ If(num =='1'){num = 'One';} else if(num == '2'){num = 'Two';} else if(num == '3'){num = 'Three';} else if(num == '4'){num = 'Four';} else if(num == '5'){num = 'Five';} else if(num == '6'){num = 'Six';} else if(num == '7'){num = 'Seven';} else if(num == '8'){num = 'Eight';} else if(num == '9'){num = 'Nine';} return num; } }
Step 3: Navigate to File | New | Visualforce Page and create a visualforce page called NumberToText and replace the following code.
<apex:page controller="cls_Numbertotext"> <apex:actionstatus id="counterStatus"> <apex:facet name="start"> <div class="waitingSearchDiv" id="el_loading" style="background-color: black; height:100%;opacity:0.65;width:100%;"> <div class="waitingHolder" style="top: 100px; width: 91px;"> <span style="color:white;font-weight:bold;">Loading...</span> </div> </div> </apex:facet> </apex:actionstatus> <apex:form id="frm"> <apex:inputtext value="{!inputNum}"/> <apex:commandButton status="counterStatus" action="{!convertinword}" reRender="frm" value="Convert"/> <br/> <apex:outputLabel value="{!inttext}"></apex:outputLabel> </apex:form> </apex:page>
See also:
Hope you like this post, for any feedback or suggestions please feel free to comment. I would appreciate your feedback and suggestions.
Thank you.
- Delete checked value in Pagination in Visualforce Page
- Pagination without Standard Controller in Visualforce page
- Show account list in popup window on checkbox checked
Hope you like this post, for any feedback or suggestions please feel free to comment. I would appreciate your feedback and suggestions.
Thank you.
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